Good News! -> All Gator GTrack devices can be migrated to our new service!
Better news! - If you have a GTRAK4QB or GTRAKPRO Your device is already configured and ready to rock! So you can move straight onto Add Your Device
With the removal of the legacy App from the Google Play Store, many users are finding the switch to our new web-server and app an even better experience,
Unfortunately TDJ Australia has no control over legacy Apps. To address privacy/performance and security concerns, and for our own reasons, we have developed a service hosted in Sydney Australia and build a new app ourselves.
Gtrack3G and 4G models are factory programmed for a "legacy" server in China, owners of these devices are welcome to continue using the legacy server or they can transfer onto the new server using the following instructions below.
If you change a Gtrack3G or 4G to the new server, the legacy mobile App will no longer work. We have a new App you can use for the new system, it's better, faster, cleaner, up-to-date.
Migrate Legacy Gator Tracker
To convert a GTrack3G or GTrack4G into a device, if you haven't already, create an account first then use the following to configure your device to talk to our server, and add the device to your account.
You can send the following commands as text messages to the SIM in the tracker, re-configuring where it sends it's data:
First SMS
timezone 123456 0
Second SMS
adminip123456 11100
1233456 is your devices password If you have changed the password, substitute that for 123456 above.
Warning GTrack3/4G devices are not compatible with using a domain name, so must use the IP. We will inform all registered users of the service that are using this IP when/if it needs to change via email.
SIM Card Information
If your tracker/SIM combo was working on the old server, your APN is already configured, so you DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE IT
You might need to configure the APN for your devices SIM card, this guide will show you how to set that, depending on your provider.
APN SetupNext Steps
Now that your device has been configured, you can add it to the server.
Add Your Device